The Lois & Clark Concordance

"I'm Looking Through You"

Episode 4 of Season 1

Airdate October 10, 1993
Written by Deborah Joy LeVine
Directed by Mark Sobel

Entry transcribed by KateW

episode trivia


"I'm Looking Through You" is the title of a Beatles' song from the Rubber Soul (1965) album. It was written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney. The song refers to McCartney's relationship with girlfriend Jane Asher and what he believed were her transparent motives and attitude. Despite his apparent dissatisfaction with Asher, he stayed with her until 1968 when Asher found him in bed with another woman. After that McCartney became the invisible man in her life.


Metropolis Square: where a ceremony honoring Superman is held
Daily Planet
-The Pit
-Conference Room: where a staff meeting is held
Clark’s Apartment
-Living Room: where Alan Morris gets a good night’s sleep
-Front Balcony: where Clark and Lois share fond childhood memories
Lois’s Apartment
-Living Room: where Lois is introduced to invisibility
-Hallway (outside the apartment): where Lois looks for whoever knocked at her door
Metropolis Streets: where a mysterious man walks alone at night
Morris House
-Basement Laboratory: where Helene Morris relates the story of her husband’s disappearance to Lane and Kent
House of Rare Coins: where a robbery is perpetrated and the owner assaulted
Van Wyck Jewelers- established in 1930 and robbed by an invisible man
Lex Luthor’s Penthouse: where the charity auction is held
Living Room, Kent farmhouse: where the Kents discuss the selling of Superman
Abandoned Warehouse Fort Metropolis
-Corridor: where Lois and Morris skulk and watch a robbery in progress
-Vault: where they are locked when caught by the Barnes gang

Locations Outside of Metropolis

Jackson Phosphorous Plant- in a rural area away from the city
Kent Farmhouse in Kansas


Clark saw an airplane in distress and tossed a pen under the table and informed Lois it was his "lucky pen" and he had to retrieve it before they could continue their discussion. He zipped out of the Daily Planet, saved the airplane and emerged at the other side of the table with his lucky pen.






- slowly descends from above and lands on a stage area where dignitaries from the city of Metropolis wait to greet him
- after receiving the key to the city shakes hands with all on the stage before being asked to say a few words
- looks over the crowd and is distracted and disturbed by the merchandizing and souvenir hawkers at the edges of the assemblage
- watches the crowd dispersing from a vantage point in an alley until he sees something frightening and begins running further into the alley where he is mobbed by a screaming crowd of young women
- still a little shaken by being mobbed by the women, is surprised by Cat’s good morning kiss at a staff meeting after the ceremony and quickly wipes off the lipstick
- while Lois glares at Cat across the table, he looks out the window and sees a small airplane having trouble in the sky above the city
- scoots his chair back and drops his pen to the floor under the table and ducks under to get it, crawling away at super speed but not before checking out the legs of the women
- is a mechanic, able to fix an airplane engine in a single bound, returns to the newsroom wiping grease from his hands and jaw
- later, thoughtfully watches the invisible man hijacking report
- nudges Lois into talking to Helene Morris by making fun of himself- “I’m…..fascinated by the paranormal”
- when Lois assures him there are no vampires or werewolves in Metropolis, asks, “What about Superman?”- somewhere in Metropolis is a man who flies

- wonders if Lois thinks all the attention he is getting as Superman will go to his (Superman’s) head

- smiles a little when she answers she is afraid he will forget about her
- asks Lois at the jewel robbery when she will start believing invisibility might be possible (when she doesn’t see it with her own eyes)
- looking around the Morris basement a second time, finds a small scrap of cloth and picks it up
- has a driver’s license for New Troy, apparently, as Lois lets him drive her home
- attends the auction benefit as Superman and a date with him is sold for $50,000
- spends a few minutes with his winning bidder and leaves the room to fly away just as Murray Brown appears
- tells him he isn’t interested in any offers, he isn’t for sale and leave him alone
- flies away and returns immediately as Clark to look for Lois- sits down next to her: “Date with Superman, huh?” “What are you doing here? Barn dance let out early?”
- tells her he filed the Morris story, adds “You’re very welcome” when she says nothing
- assures an emotional Lois that Superman isn’t stupid, but maybe he’s afraid to reveal himself, his true feelings- but she is lost in her misery and doesn’t hear him
- offers to get her a cab to go home and she listlessly lets him lead her out of the room
- next day tells her Star Labs found the material he found at Morris’s lab is a type of fiber optic designed to reflect visible light at ultraviolet light, which he calls the next stage of stealth technology
- later, has a nightmare where everyone in the newsroom dresses as Superman and parades before him laughing maniacally as Lois flies away

- snaps awake and realizes he is afloat a few feet above his bed and the surprise causes him to drop to the surface

- invites Alan Morris to stay with him after hearing his story then leaves to see his parents
- arrives at the Kent farm to find the table full of Superman toys and dolls of all sizes
- tells them Superman is being bought and sold on street corners all over Metropolis
- tells them Superman has become a superstar and isn’t sure if he can keep it up and when Martha says he’s talking about Superman as if he is another person, admite he feels as if he is losing himself to the man in the suit
- back at the newsroom he and Lois decide to go over, for a second time, the information Jimmy brought them from the Hall of Records
- they realize all of the robberies Barnes has committed include precious metal, and one in particular- gold
- at his apartment, makes tea and he and Lois go out on his front balcony to talk while Morris sleeps on the couch inside
- tells of his mother making him tea and raisin scones when he wasn’t feeling well and how he had some at the Savoy in London years later but they didn’t taste as good as Mom’s
- as Superman, visits the apartment where he tells Lois she doesn’t have to bid to get his attention because she will always be special to him (touches her cheek) because she was the first woman to ever…interview him

- interrupted by Morris waking up and greeting Superman with awe, so when the phone rings he answers it without thinking
- realizes his mistake and pretends he is talking to Clark and quickly hangs up on his very confused mother in Smallville
- explains that he needs visible light to see the Barnes gang even with his X-ray vision and gets an idea from something Morris says
- flies to the Jackson Phosphorous plant well outside the city to get a bag of phosphorous
- arrives in time to sprinkle the compound over the robbers and make them visible and more or less take the fight out of them
- finds Burke and asks him where Lois Lane is but the man doesn’t know she is there
- gets to the vault in time to save Lois and the others and get them to safety carrying Lois in a wonderful romantic gesture
- puts her down and is about the fly off when Murray Brown appears, telling him how terrific he was
- listens to what he has to say and shocks Lois by agreeing to the proposal- with the proviso that all proceeds go to charity, then flies away quickly
- is not impressed with Morris’s new job for one of Luthor’s companies, but congratulates him anyway
- in the newsroom, gives his okay to the write-up Lois has done, and accepts her admonishment that she hopes he learned his lesson: there is no such thing as an invisible man
- watches her walk away (whispers softly to himself, “Yes, there is, Lois.”) and sit down at her desk and go to work (“Yes, there is.”)


hurries to the front of the crowd gathering for Superman’s appearance at a ceremony in his honor, waving and calling to him as he arrives
- visibly disappointed when he doesn’t answer nor appear to see her
- watches Cat and Clark disdainfully, asking, “Cat got your tongue?” when, after Cat kisses him, he fails to answer Jimmy
- tells Perry she and Clark are on the Superman story in an off hand way and when Clark asks if she’s bored with Superman already, answers she was right there in front of him and he didn’t even notice her
- takes a verbal jab at Cat, then pokes fun at the headlines of the latest National Whisper
- looks under the table for Clark and is puzzled when he answers from off to her right
- later gets off the elevator, talking to a young staffer, tells him she’ll talk to him about it later and walks toward the pit- but is stopped by an older man calling her name
tells Brown he is wrong about her knowing where Superman is, but takes his business card anyway

- asks if he is a talent agent who wants to represent Superman but before they can talk more, Jimmy calls her away
- initially tells Helene Morris to try missing persons on the first floor, then tells her to have a seat and yells for Jimmy (!)
- is not surprised when Clark says he is interested in the paranormal
- after Clark talks her into interviewing Mrs. Morris, rolls her eyes, slips her hand around his arm and mutters, “She might introduce us to Casper the Friendly Ghost.”
- at the Morris house, she and Clark wander through the basement, looking at items: a wedding picture, unusual equipment and tools
- listens to Helene’s story, and, at a loss, gives the woman a quick hug when she begins to cry
- exchanges a look with Clark when Helene asks them to write a story about her husband, find out of he’s coming home, tell him that she misses him
- dismisses the story as a figment of Helene’s imagination and insists everything has a reasonable explanation and is grounded in clear scientific reason
- observes everyone wants apiece of Superman: keys to the city, telethons, benefits where is it all going to end- with a guest shot on A.M. Metropolis
- watches Helene talk to the TV news media and declares there is no story because there is no such thing as an invisible man- walks away from a bemused Clark

- after the robbery, she and Clark return to the Morris house and find the basement work shop has been destroyed
- can hardly believe that Helene is insisting another invisible man is responsible
- tells Clark, after he mentions the man might be a little eccentric, that Alan Morris is a taco short of a combo plate
- attends a benefit auction hoping to win a date with Superman, finds Cat Grant is among the bidders and after a few bids tells her she made her point, now butt out, and exchanges insults with her
- disappointed at losing the auction, goes to the bar to get a glass of champagne
- apologizes to Luthor canceling their lunch, but Superman was such a big draw
- after watching Superman make small talk with the winner, tells Luthor she would very much like to reschedule the lunch date
- later tells Clark she was saving for a vacation in Tahiti but a date with Superman would have been an adventure
- on the verge of tears says she thinks he doesn’t know she’s alive and confesses it was probably stupid of her to think he cared
- next day tells Clark Morris’s boss was no help and describes the sterile environment of the work place
- listens to Clark’s description of the cloth found at the Morris house and admits the appearance of invisibility is easier to believe than actual invisibility

- when he teases her it must be tough being right all the time, she replies it is, and they both laugh as she flounces away
- sending one invisible man packing, goes downstairs into the pit and is met with several more invisible men in identical costumes who all turn to her expectantly- decides it’s time to go home
- awakened by knocking at her door, finds no one there when she sleepily answers
- when a voice says her name, she grabs a spatula and turns to confront- “Jimmy?”
- stares in disbelief at a disembodied head in her living room, screams and faints
- apparently calls Clark to come over after she revives, and they listen to Alan Morris’s story
- tries on the helmet of the suit but feels nothing unusual when it is activated- making her head disappear and doesn’t get why Clark and Morris chuckle
- as Clark and Morris leave, her robe falls open to reveal she is wearing Superman pajamas and covers it up defiantly while Clark rolls his eyes to the ceiling and sighs heavily

- “Something even Superman can’t fight,” Lois says of the prison breakout instigated by an invisible man
- finds an old headline of a gold robbery gone bad and Barnes and his gang were caught and served time: they surmise Barnes has gotten his old gang together so they can make another attempt at stealing the gold
- goes with Clark to his apartment to talk to Morris, who is fast asleep
- shares tea and memories on the front balcony: tells of a childhood game she and Lucy used to play- invisible or fly?- and she wanted to be invisible to find different and wonderful things behind the closed doors all around her
- tells Clark when he chooses fly they have something in common: he wants to fly like Superman and she wants to fly with Superman- both look up at the sky and she lays her head on his shoulder
- falls asleep in the living room later and is awakened by Superman’s arrival at the apartment
- is surprised to learn Clark has gone to the courthouse to visit the Hall of Records but pleased to have a few moments alone with Superman to discover she is “special” to him
- after Superman leaves, takes the invisibility suit and she and Morris go to the gold repository to look for Barnes and his gang- after all, as she tells Alan: “Danger is my business.”
- manages to get into the gold repository where the guards have been made unconscious and get to the room where the gold bars are kept
- unfortunately she and Alan are caught and locked inside a sealed room
- exchanges taunts with Barnes and runs forward to push futilely on the closing vault door (“Danger is my business,” she mutters to herself sarcastically.)
- calling weakly for Superman, hugs him gratefully as others follow him into the room and begin helping to remove the guards
- rescued, tells Superman it’s the second time he’s saved her life, to which he replies he is glad to be of service
- is happy to see the Morrises back together again and shares a laugh with Helene over a whispered comment


- attends the Key to the City ceremony but stays back in the crowd
- enters the staff meeting asking Clark if he and Lois are working on the Superman gets the key to the city story
- asks Cat how her story on Councilman Addison’s arrest is coming
- calls the National Whisper trash, a sorry excuse for a newspaper that he doesn’t want in the newsroom
- tells his people to settle down as they laugh over the headlines on Jimmy’s copy of the NW
- leaving for the day, praises Jimmy for his spirit working late
- in the newsroom watches with many of his staff the coverage of the prison breakout the night before, learning an entire cell block of the most vicious criminals escaped


- wanders through the crowd at the ceremony taking pictures
- wanders into the staff meeting and says something about a paper
- shows everyone the latest National Whisper and defends it to Perry, saying it is really smooth
- tells of the invisible guy who robbed a slum lord and gave the cash to the tenants in one of his buildings
- calls for Lois and CK to join him to watch a news report on the nearest TV monitor about the invisible man
- asks them how the visit to the Morris home went and Lois tells him it was a dead end
- later, directs their attention to the TV once again to see a live event of Helene Morris talking to a wall of TV cameras and tells them a nosy neighbor sold her story to the wire services
- tells Lois about the rare coin robbery in passing while he is on his way to the Hall of Records for Clark
- puts a box on a counter top and tells Lois it contains all of the armed robbery cases from the last ten years and she immediately begins to dig through it
- tells Lois the story asking the invisible man to turn himself in has paid off- and indicates an area over his shoulder
- helps Lois and Clark look over a box of old records and discovers the prison break included several members of Barnes’s old gang


“Great shades of Elvis! An army of invisible criminals.” – his signature phrase and commentary


- attends the ceremony and stands with Perry watching from back in the crowd
- “Good morning, hot stuff-” greets Clark at a staff meeting by spinning his chair around, sitting on his lap and kissing him and leaving him a little nonplussed
- “What’s to notice?” she mutters when Lois says Superman didn’t see her at the ceremony
- assures Perry she is working on her congressman story and will go the ‘house of ill repute’ to talk to the lady in question
- when Lois sarcastically asks if they aren’t called ‘cathouses’, reacts is mock surprise: “Lois made a joke!”
- at the auction teases Lois about the bidding being too rich for her blood
- when Lois asks her why she couldn’t afford a whole dress, replies “Less is more” and looks over Lois’s dress before muttering, “Sometimes.”
- is extremely annoyed when she loses the bidding for a date with Superman
- downs her champagne in a gulp as Luthor follows Lois to the bar
- gives one of the most scathing looks ever at the winner as she talks to Superman
- looks at Clark after the news item about the prison break as if expecting him to do something (like suddenly make an odd excuse and leave?


- as the previous year’s honoree it is his duty to present the key to the city to Superman
- steps forward as the crowd cheers Superman’s arrival and addresses the assemblage, citing the hero’s good deeds and takes the lanyard and key from his neck and gives it to Superman, barely hiding a disgusted look as he does so
- applauds politely as Superman says a few words, but leaves the stage abruptly
- at his car, tells the chauffeur that Superman’s “time will come soon enough”
- tells the driver he is in the mood for sport, but not leopards in Kenya, something more cold blooded
- the Everglades are perfect, just what the boot maker ordered
- walks behind a woman at a celebrity auction and mutters, “You look illegal.” As she smiles sidelong at him, he greets another guest by name: “Ed! I hope you brought your checkbook.”
- is introduced to the crowd as the fourth richest man in the world and quickly corrects the woman emcee” “Third!”
- thanks her and welcomes everyone before his auction is started: Dinner and dancing next Friday night.
- goes to the winning bidder amid applause and greets her as Stella
- does not hide his hostility as he and Superman walk past one another, nor does Superman
- after the Superman auction he watches Lois’s disappointed reaction with interest
- nods once to “illegal,” the woman who won the auction
- at the bar, agrees with Lois to reschedule a cancelled lunch date, and makes quite a thing about polishing his sleek, new boots
- leaves to rejoin his high bidder


- assures Clark the Superman merchandizing has no doubt reached all over the country- at the local gas station, and at the feed store Harley has a special section for it
- assures his son that the man beneath the Superman suit is the one he and Martha care about
- goes along with Martha’s attempt to tease Clark about Lois’s pajamas


- thinks the big doll is cute but gets suspicious when Cark mentions Lois’s Superman pajamas and she and Jonathan look at him teasingly when she asks him how he saw her pajamas
- reminds him that raising $50,000 to help blind children is not wrong when he says Superman is being sold like a piece of meat
- points out he is talking about Superman as if he is another person and reminds him he is Superman


- worked at his job for 20 years but no one there knew him
- when he stopped showing up for work, he was simply replaced
- goes to Lois’s apartment after the article asking him to turn himself in
- admits he was the invisible Robin Hood, but he is not the one committing crimes, so there is another invisible man out there
- explains how he invented the invisibility suit as a way to be seen again, after years of being just another man on the street who had drifted away from his friends, family and co-workers
- got the idea for the suit from a fluorescent light bulb which turns invisible light into visible light- he just reversed the process
- it took 15 years to build the suit which is invisible when activated, presumably battery powered with switches in the lining
- surmises someone has stolen his spare suits- he made several for back-up
- asks if Helene is all right after Lois tells him someone did break into his workshop and trashed his equipment
- accepts Clark’s offer to stay at his place until the situation is resolved
- worries that Clark must think he is a crackpot, but is assured that isn’t the case
- says how frustrating it is to have people look right through you and never see the part of you that you want them to see, but Clark tells him he’s sure a lot of people feel the same
- is fast asleep on Clark’s sofa when L&C come to the apartment and they let him sleep doubtful if he can help them find Barnes
- awakens to find Lois and Superman talking quietly in the apartment and is awestruck to be seeing Superman up close and personal
- takes in the situation immediately and gives Lois a smile- he knows exactly what was going on before he interrupted and that in turn flusters her a bit
- can’t think of any way to make an invisible suit visible but the comment gives Superman an idea
- when Lois starts putting on his suit, refuses to let her go alone to do whatever she is thinking of doing
- assures her he has a back up suit and follows her out of the room
- at the repository, follow Lois as best he can and watches the bank being robbed by many men in his spare suits
- inadvertently alerts her that they have been found by denying he has his hand on her thigh wink
- safely at home announces he has destroyed all of the suits along with his notes
- also announces he’s gotten a new, more exciting job: Vice President of Research and Development at Luthor Technologies


- arrives at the Daily Planet with an unbelievable story about her husband, who she says is missing
- takes L&C to her home and shows them the basement workroom her husband kept, insisting she’s telling them the truth, her husband is invisible: she saw him, or didn’t actually see him, leave the house
- tells them she and her husband were not having marital difficulties, they just fell into a pattern, hardly spoke to one another, he spent all his time working on something and they rarely actually saw one another
- came looking for her husband after he hadn’t eaten dinner, heard his voice say “Good-bye, Helene. See you around.”
- saw the door open and then it closed- begins to cry
- later talks to the press after one of her neighbors alerts the media about her beliefs about her husband
- tells L&C that after the news people left she came downstairs and was hit on the head
- says she alerted them immediately but hasn’t called the police yet
- insists it couldn’t have been her husband as he was never a violent man in any way
- tells Lois she believes another invisible man is impersonating her invisible man
- thanks L&C for bringing her husband home to her, and shares a kiss with Alan


- is revealed to have been the criminal invisible man when he goes to the Metropolis Penitentiary and stages a large breakout
- tells his assembled team of criminals that with the suits there is nothing they can’t do, no place they can’t get into: reveals his plan to rob the gold repository of a billion dollars worth of it
- paces restlessly on watch while his gang joke around as they rob the repository
- gloats over Lois and Alan after they are captured and put into a vault- “I can see tomorrow’s headlines “Invisible Man Found Dead Along With Hostages and Daily Planet’s Star Reporter”
- walks out casually and leaves them with a parting remark about the room being airtight with about two minutes of air after he seals it
- while police deploy around the repository building, he and the gang confidently begin their escape
- tries to run in the confusion of being foiled again but is stopped by Superman


- an older man who runs the Galactic Talent Agency, comes to the Daily Planet to see Lois Lane
- tells her he wants to see the big guy, Superman, figuring she can tell him where to find him because she writes all the articles about him
- gives her his card, just in case she sees Superman
- corrects her that he is an artist’s representative not a talent agent
- calls her Cookie and tells her Superman’s buns of steel are worth money in the bank
- both Lois and Clark have to admit he is persistent, though she calls him a smarmy, money-grubbing opportunist
- stops Superman after the auction to ask him if he wants to keep tramping around the jungle without anyone to carry his loincloth?
- likens him to a guppy in a great white [shark] tank
- tells Superman he’s received an offer from Cleveland – not from the Browns, from the city- and they want him bad, and so does Rio de Janeiro
- points out that Metropolis doesn’t have an exclusive on [his services]
- finally gets Superman to listen to him by proposing “we” would get worldwide merchandising rights: movies, miniseries, music videos, comic books, action figures, etc.
- tells Superman he will call all the shots, quality control of all items- how can he turn down a deal like that?
- hopes that “All proceeds go to charity” doesn’t mean his commission, too


Eduardo Friez

- staffer at the planet, gives Clark an oh, boy or something similar look after Cat kisses him, seemingly used to her antics
- picks up Jimmy’s paper and looks at it, laughing later as Lois points out its Benjamin Franklin headline
- is doing a follow up on the escape of an armed robber from the state penitentiary and the big manhunt going on
- says (officials) think he is headed to Metropolis and wanted posters will be ‘going up’ that day
- holds up a poster which identifies the man as Henry Barnes

Linda Montoya

- television reporter has breaking news that a catering truck bound for a political fundraiser was stopped and hijacked by an invisible man who tossed the driver out of the truck and drove it away
- says homeless families at the Fourth Street Shelter in downtown Metropolis feasted on goose liver pate and lobster salad
- reports no one has any clue to the unexplained phenomenon: is it real or an illusion
- advises viewers to keep their umbrellas handy as the report segues to the weather


- Luthor’s driver who asks if he wants to return to the penthouse after leaving the Superman celebration
- suggests Kenya when Luthor tells him he is in the mood for sport, then suggests the Everglades for something more cold-blooded

Unnamed Detective (identified in an online script as both Lt. Henderson and Det. Burke)

- snacks on a donut while investigating the Van Wyck jewelry store robbery
- tells the reporters there are no prints, no leads, nothing
- witnesses saw no one sarcastically says he won’t be calling in a sketch artist
- says they do have a warrant out for the Morris guy, but doesn’t know how they are going to find him
- directs the deployment of police and SWAT teams around the gold repository

Madam Deputy Mayor

- at the ceremony, proclaims the day to be Superman Day and puts the lanyard with the symbolic key around his neck
- over loud, long applause, welcomes Superman to Metropolis: “It’s wonderful to have you here.”

Mistress of Ceremonies

- makes the blunder of introducing Lex Luthor as the fourth richest man in the world and is immediately corrected by him
- conducts the auctions that follow

Stella, Matronly Woman

- winner of the auction for a date with Lex Luthor
- when he tells her he is flattered, she replies it was her pleasure

First Woman

- takes it as a compliment when Luthor tells her she looks illegal
- exchanges a direct, significant look with him in passing, twice
- waits until the bidding for Superman is being closed before bidding $50,000
- again, exchanges a look with Luthor, acknowledging his approval of her bid and her tactics
- makes a show of kissing Superman on the cheek after she wins the auction, and later as he prepares to depart


- an attractive blond who bids on Superman at the auction

Fake Invisible Man

- dressed in bandages, a Fedora and trench coat like the movie character
- approaches Lois and intones dramatically, “I am the invisible man!”- followed with a peal of mad laughter
- when she pulls off a bit if his disguise, he screams in surprise and runs away

Criminal Gang Members

- laugh and joke as they pass gold bricks hand to hand as they stage a robbery in their invisibility suits
- give up with no struggle after their suits are made visible

Councilman Addison

- mentioned by Perry at a newsroom staff meeting
- was arrested at a ‘house of ill repute’ the night before the Superman ceremony

Coin Dealer, House of Rare Coins

- an elderly man, is looking at old coins while a thunder and lightning storm rages outside
- sees no one enter when the door opens and closes, but hears a voice asking him to “call it” as a coin suddenly spins into the air
- frightened, he asks who is there and a hand grabs his throat and he slowly falls to the floor as the coins are swept into a bag by an invisible hand
- is hospitalized with a crushed windpipe

Harley, unknown if that is a first or last name

- mentioned by Jonathan Kent
- owner of the feed store in Smallville who has made a special section in his store to sell Superman items

Police Commissioner

- tells the TV news that citizens should remain calm, but he has ordered a 10 pm curfew for that night
- also tells the citizens to lock their doors and windows as a precaution


- Invisibility suit made of fiber optic material capable of reflecting visible light away from it as ultraviolet light when activated by batteries, presumably
- Guns of every kind

BEEN THERE (Clark’s travels)

England- London, specifically

LIFE GOES ON (other headlines)

The National Whisper

- Invisible Robin Hood Strikes Again
- Inside: Exciting New Contest- Win $100,000- Plus $$$ In Other Prizes- Enter Today!
- Benjamin Franklin Is Alive and Living In My Electric Blender!

Old Daily Planet Headline:

- “Robbery At The Metropolis Gold Repository Foiled”
- Golden Boy Barnes and His Gang to Serve Time


-Vendors along a Metropolis street are hawking Superman souvenirs and memorabilia in anticipation of a ceremony to award Superman the keys to the city; people pose with a life-size cut-out of the superhero, children in Superman costumes walk with their parents
- One of the souvenirs on sale looks like a toy phone booth depicted on a box which, presumably, holds the toy.
- According to a sign on the stage the mayor of Metropolis is named Epson and Chief of Police is named Miller. The Dept. of Public Safety and Engine Company 12 are on hand for safety.
- The triangular seal of Metropolis has a date on it from the early 1800s preceded by the letters EST. It looks like ‘EST. 1804.’
- Interesting to find out that Lois does speaking engagements on women’s rights. She addressed Helene Morris’s women’s group on the subject of “The Weaker Sex- Fact or Fiction.” She is flattered that Mrs. Morris liked the speech but doesn’t fish for compliments.
- 10:26 a.m.- time when home video was shot of the catering truck hijacking
- Casper the Friendly Ghost, a famous children’s comic book character in more than one universe
- 555-I-REP-YOU- Murray Brown’s phone number
- A. M. Metropolis- a local TV show mentioned by Lois
- It’s kind of fun to see another male reporter who is dressed like Clark Kent and investigating the jewel robbery, too. I know it’s the wardrobe department doing it, but as a part of the story CK’s success seems to be an influence on others.
- Fun discussion between L&C as he drives her home, even though it is a bit one sided. We see the difference in their styles of writing, different opinions on people and how well anyone knows anyone and ending with her need to get ready for a date with Superman- which is news to Clark!

Some of the signs at a benefit auction
- $500, the price at which bidding starts for Lex Luthor; $10,000, the winning bid
- $1000, the price at which bidding starts for Superman, $50,000, the winning bid
- $1500, $2500- Lois’s bids
- $2000, $6000, $9000– Cat’s bids
- Luthor has a boot maker on standby, apparently, who can make a quality pair of boots in less than a day from instantly cured alligator skin. He flies to the Everglades after the keys to the city ceremony, and attends the auction the evening of the next day wearing a pair of new alligator skin boots. Ah, the lifestyles of the rich and ruthless.
- Clark’s apartment at the top of the building has an open air balcony outside the front door and the stairway between floors is also open to the outside.
- There are many interpretations to the Invisible or Fly game Lois and Lucy played as children but watching the scene multiple times reinforces this as a happy memory she has of her closeness to her sister. Clark’s happy memory of his mother’s love inspires this memory of love and closeness between Lois and Lucy. Whatever the underlying reasons might be, Lois associates this game with feelings of love and support between her sister and herself.
-Lapsang Souchong- the brand of tea L&C drink on the balcony
- Henry Barnes must have been in prison a long time. Like a lot of criminals he fires his gun at Superman only to see the bullets bounce away. Hmm.. Superman is still new in town so I suppose it’s plausible Barnes wouldn’t believe all he hears until he sees it with his own eyes.


- According to Deborah Joy LeVine in a recent podcast interview, several people associated with the Superman comics at the time of filming are featured as extras in the opening scene as the camera pans along the street showing vendors and citizens gathered for the keys to the city ceremony. Mike Carlin, Louise Simonson, Dan Jurgens, and Roger Stern were named. There may be more.
- I’m not a Lex fan but I loved John Shea’s portrayal of him, and especially in the keys to the city scene. He lets the viewers see Lex’s distaste and outright hatred for Superman and yet fools the crowd and the dignitaries on the stage at the same time. How can anyone not believe he is a good and generous philanthropist? LOL!
- So cool how Clark and Lois are both natural leaders and Clark hangs back when he’s with Lois, letting her lead- for the most part- and does the same as Superman when dealing with authorities, deferring to them, but not to the general public.
- I like how ‘they’ left in or added the echo effect to the voices of L&C and Helene as they talk in the basement workshop. It’s just a little thing but something that would happen in real life. I never noticed it until watching this episode so closely for this project.
- The invisibility suit reflects visible light away from it as ultraviolet light the same wavelength that makes Superman blind in ‘The Eyes Have It.’ Even in a non-concentrated (?) form wouldn’t pure ultraviolet have caused blind spots where the suits were, letting him see them as blind spots? I know. DJL didn’t know the same light frequency would be used as a weapon a season later, by screenwriters who didn’t do their homework, to blind Superman.
- Love how Superman bursts through the wall of the vault and grabs oxygen-deprived Lois as if- well, as if to kiss her or to give her mouth to mouth. Darn SWAT guys for coming in just then…

First Season Trivia

"I'm Looking Through You"


Several famous comic book artists, writers and editors gathered at Warner Bros in August 1993 to put in cameo appearances in I'm Looking Through You. Click the picture on the left to see a larger version. From left to right in front of the Daily Planet are, Dan Jurgens, Roger Stern (who wrote the novelization of the Death of Superman storyline), Dough Hazelwood is directly behind him, Jerry Ordway, Louise Simonson, Glenn Whitmore, and Brett Breeding. Others in the actual filmed scene are Mike Carlin (Superman comic book editor at the time), Denis Rodier, Dennis Janke, Jon Bogdanove (as well as his wife Judy and son Benjamin Kal-El... honest), Tom Grummet, Barry Kitson and Ray McCarthy.

When the camera sweeps across the crowd, Mike Carlin, wearing glasses, can be seen pointing skyward as Superman arrives. Roger Stern also points skyward, but in a different direction than Carlin. Also in that scene were lots of Superman souvenirs, artwork and pennants, some of which were donated to the Los Angeles FoLC (Fans of Lois & Clark) Fest charity auction by Deborah Joy LeVine. The Superman balloons and stage bunting used to dress the "key to the city" set are visible in the background of the photo.

Plot-wise, "I'm Looking Through You" has little in common with the H.G. Wells novel The Invisible Man, unlike "Tempus Fugitive," the other Wells affiliated Lois and Clark episode which was clearly inspired by the novel The Time Machine and the movie by the same name.

However, the classic makeup of bandages, a pair of dark glasses and a fedora were definitely a nod to the 1933 Universal film starring Claude Rains as the title character.

    Character actor Leslie Jordan played the part of Alan Morris, the figurative and literal invisible man, but he's better known, or at least more visible, as William Wallace Webster Waldecker, AKA Resplendent Man from the second season episode "A Bolt From the Blue."

Reusing an actor in a different role can be jarring for some viewers, but it's surprising how many people don't notice when an actor puts in a repeat performance. Executive Producer Robert Singer must have liked him because he also cast Jordan in an episode of his series Charlie Grace.

The Legend of Super Dean as Told by... the Villain

  Many moons ago in 1995 I was fortunate enough to interview Jim Beaver, the actor who played villain Henry (Golden Boy) Barnes. To my surprise Jim was a huge Superman fan and said he saved a piece of the vault wall Dean broke through and got a kick out of being the first villain on the series to bounce bullets off Dean's chest.

Speaking of the bullet-bouncing scene, during the rehearsal, Jim was to shoot at Dean holding a metal prop gun and then Dean was to be given a rubber prop gun to bend (right-hand picture). Instead, Dean grabbed the metal gun and broke it. Dean's strength impressed Jim, especially when Dean picked him up over his head. At the time Jim weighed 175 pounds and was an inch taller than Dean.

An interesting sidebar about Jim Beaver is that he is the only person given official permission by the George Reeves' estate to write a biography about the star of The Adventures of Superman.
Entire Jim Beaver Interview


Comic Book Connection

Lois Lane and invisibility are not strangers. Just as Lois donned Alan Morris' invisibility suit in "I'm Looking Through You," Lois Lane from the newspaper daily comic strip in 1962 downed a scientist's invisibility position. Lastly, almost a decade later, Lois was at the altar about to marry Superman when an invisible man objected . Okay, invisible in the sense that ghosts can run out of ectoplasm and be invisible, but who doesn't want to see, or not see, Victorian serial killer Jack the Ripper in an Edwardian morning suit?