Below is a list of the first season episodes. The red titles are episodes that have been completed. The blue titles are episodes that have been chosen by fans, but haven't been completed yet. Lastly, the black titles indicate available episodes. If you would like to choose an episode, and there are a lot left, please contact us by clicking the volunteer link below. Thanks, everyone!
Strange Visitor
Neverending Battle (Ginny)
I'm Looking Through You
Requiem for a Super Hero
I've Got a Crush on You
Smart  Kids
Green Green Glow of Home
Man of Steel Bars
Pheromone, My Lovely

Honeymoon in Metropolis
All Shook Up
Illusions of Grandeur
Ides of Metropolis
The Rival (Donna)
Vat Man
Fly Hard
Barbarians at the Planet
The House of Luthor